An artistic research project, a bridge to the community
The project Ai Limiti del Corpo (At the Limits of the Body) was born from Mirmica's collaboration with the Azienda Speciale Insieme per il Sociale IPIS, which provides personal services in the North Milan municipalities of Cusano M., Cinisello B., Bresso and Cormano.
The project involves a theater workshop and team with the educational staff of the facilities with the aim of creating shows, workshops and theatrical performances to be addressed to the community.
The project involves a weekly theater workshop and team with the educational staff of the institutions with the aim of creating events in the area that can engage the community and renew the image of the disabled person often perceived as a subject in need of only care and nursing. Over time, the theatrical experience has allowed the group to open up to the territory by creating, in addition to stage shows, integrated workshops with citizenship, training moments for students and performances within public spaces such as the library-cultural center of Cinisello Balsamo "Il Pertini."