A participatory creation project promoting culture and integration in the North Milan area that involves associations, families, schools and local institutions
"Le Voci del Nostro Giardino" (The Voices of Our Garden) is a podcast series in 10 episodes about sustainable cities and communities, echoing the UN's 2030 agenda.
The project develops through an investigation involving the territory of Cusano Milanino, assisted by a group of people with disabilities who attend the Sorriso Association, specifically trained to meet and interview people and organizations present in the territory.
Interviews map
(click to enlarge)
Listen to all episodes of our Podcast
In this 1st episode we talk with Lidia Arduino, the president of the Città Giardino Cusano Milanino association, about sustainable cities and communities and clean and accessible energy.
In this 2nd episode we are at the Sorriso Association to talk with its president Fiorella Rossetto, Imma Fazzari from the parents' committee, and Marco Paltrinieri from the youth committee to understand together what inclusion and territory livability means.
In this 3rd episode we are at the Papa Giovanni XXIII school in Cusano Milanino to listen to the children of the 5th grade classes of via Roma talk about sustainable cities and communities, clean and accessible energy, quality education.
In this 4th episode we are at the Papa Giovanni XXIII school in Cusano Milanino to listen to the children of the 5th grade classes of via Edera talk about sustainable cities and communities, fighting climate change, quality education.
In this 5th episode we meet Caterina Lamanna, the president of the Proloco association of Cusano Milanino about health and well-being and sustainable cities and communities.
In this 6th episode we are at the Papa Giovanni XXIII school in Cusano Milanino to listen to the children of the 4th grade classes of via Roma talk about sustainable cities and communities, health and well-being, quality education.
In this 7th episode we are at the Papa Giovanni XXIII school in Cusano Milanino to listen to the children of the 4th grade classes of via Edera talk about sustainable cities and communities, life below water and life on land, quality education.
In this 8th episode we meet Cristiano De Rosa, CEO of De Rosa company in Cusano Milanino, to talk about sustainable cities and communities, decent work, business and innovation.
In this 9th episode we meet Massimo Misseri, Commander of the Local Police of Cusano Milanino, to talk about sustainable cities and communities, peace, justice and strong institutions.
In this 10th episode we meet Carla Maria Pessina, Mayor of the city of Cusano Milanino, to talk about sustainable cities and communities, gender equality, peace, justice and strong institutions.
We believe that each person carries with them knowledge, experiences, particular sensitivities and insights that should be shared, made available to the community to stimulate and initiate virtuous and no longer postponable actions.