An inclusive project of territorial reconnection in Cusano Milanino that involved the citizenship to re-inhabit their inner spaces and the community spaces.
As a result of the containment measures due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many activities traditionally carried out in the Cusano Milanino area to promote active citizenship, social cohesion and the inclusion of the most fragile individuals have been lost. In this emergency situation, spaces intended for sociality and educational activities have also been lacking due to the impossibility of accessing them due to restrictions, or the way in which we had always been accustomed to experience them before the pandemic has had to be changed.
This new way of crossing and living places and spaces to which we have had to adapt (e.g. schools, classrooms, associative spaces, shops, outdoor spaces, etc.) has influenced, more or less consciously, the internal space of each of us; internal space understood as mental and emotional.
From the discussion with the various territorial actors, the need to address the issue of the space to be "inhabited again" emerged as a strong priority; how important it is to accompany people in processing their experiences, sharing experiences and imagining, together, ways (including innovative and new ones) to return to living spaces.
The project, divided into four macro actions, has achieved:
Theatre workshops with psycho-pedagogical support on the theme of physical space and how to return to living it in relation to others. The workshop also as a space to reflect and give voice to one's mental and emotional space, recover proxemics.
Workshop paths to facilitate the emergence of stories on the experiences of the pandemic and to share reflections and/or possible discoveries on how everyday spaces can be crossed and shared. The pathway created content of various kinds, audio, audio video, paper, graphics, starting from the stories that emerged and were shared in the workshop.
Starting from the materials that emerged within the Riscrivo Gli Spazi path, a virtual map of the territory of Cusano Milanino was created, open and usable by anyone, where "the voices of the territory" were inserted, a virtual place where the voices of the territory, ideas, proposals, possible and impossible solutions could be heard. Here is the LINK OF THE MAP
In May 2022, at the end of the project, a walk was held through the city of Cusano Milanino as a moment to bring together, in complete safety, all the people who took part in the project.
The project was the subject of a report and evaluation, which can be found in the annex below.