The voices of citizens to remember the people who left for Auschwitz
On January 30, 1944, about 600 people from Jewish families were taken from Milan's San Vittore prison to be deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp.
In preparation for January 30, 2021, the 77th anniversary of that departure, a network of about 200 citizens read and recorded the names of the people deported that day.
The materials collected in this action of widespread attention became the elements of a sound composition broadcast within MEMI Virtual Tour.
The episode is recalled in a number of testimonies, including that of Liliana Segre, one of the very few people who survived:
"...one afternoon a German came into the ray and listed 605 names: we were one of the many transports leaving Italy.
It was the deportation we had not believed in until the last moment: people were saying 'it is not possible that they are sending Italians out of the country.' I remember a long line coming out of the prison with our few belongings shouting words of encouragement, "God bless you, You have done nothing wrong."
It was extraordinary the other ordinary prisoners who saw us from their cells and threw oranges, cookies, gloves, everything and we came out of the prison with this big burst, bath of humanity, they were the last men... then we met only monsters.
They may have been thieves and murderers, but they were men who felt pity for us.
Taken to the central station, wagons were prepared in the basement: kicking and punching we were loaded by the SS and their servants."
The full text of this testimony in Italian by Liliana Segre from 2001 can be found on the Ca' Foscari University of Venice website, transcribed from DEP magazine at this link.
The names and stories of the people deported on January 30, 1944, along with other archival material, can be found on the archives of the Contemporary Jewish Documentation Center Foundation at this and this address.
Lorenzo Agostini | Giulia Aina | Domenica Alberici | Clarissa Alemanno | Maria Aprile | Rita Araldi | Alessia Asslani | Lia Baccelli | Francesca Baglini | Federica Baldacci | Claudia Balottari | Nicola Baldacci | Omar Bartaloni | Gloria Battaglia | Alice Bescapè | Antonella Bimbati | Vincenzo Bologna | Livia Bonetti | Giulia Braccini | Katia Brancato | Ilaria Brasca | Laura Brenna | Roberta Broch | Edoardo Bulleri | Michele | Alberto Buonaguro | Simona Caccavo | Giulio Cai | Daniela Calandrino | Emanuela Canziani | Pietro Leon Capozzi | Attilio Casella | Lorenzo Cateni | Vincenzo Catone | Daniela Cavallini | Sara Cella | Noemi Chioccarelli | Angelica Cialdini | Matilde Ciampa | Annalisa Cicutto | Alessandra Coda | Andrea Cogliati | Irene Coli | Alice Colombo | Camilla Colombo | Cecilia Colombo | Giulia Colombo | Sofia Colombo | Giulia Coloretti | Flavio Comi | Marta Comi | Emma Cordoni | Ilaria Corvino | Matteo Curatella | Noemi Dantonio | Anastasia De Bonis | Giulia Del Pecchia | Leonardo Del Pecchia | Federica Delfiero | Ivano De Simone | Agustina Diantoni | Marina Di Leo | Andrea Di Lupo | Francesco Domenicotti | Giulia Donelli | Elena Failla | Donatella Fava | Maksim Federigi | Paola Feltrin | Mele Ferrarini | Asia Filippi | Davide Finocchiaro | Lisa Fiorentini | Greta Francesconi | Alessia Fredianim | Elisa Fumagalli | Mariano Furlani | Giulia Fruzzetti | Rina Maria Galeaz | Giulia Galimberti | Laura Galimberti | Sara Gambale | Amir Gardouh | Wauder Garrambone | Vanessa Gatti | Matisse Gerini | Matilde Germani | Giacomo Ghidelli | Viola Ghidelli | Isabel Gianni | Matteo Giannoni | Martina Giobbo | Riccardo Giordano | Martina Giuntini | Gigi Giustiniani | Alessandro Guerriero | Nicole Guindani | Zoe Guindani | Orsetta Susanna Innocenti | Miranda Iula | Valentina Iurlaro | Fouzia Rahman Jannatul | Alice Kindl | Maria Giovanna Lastrico | Denise Lazri | Anna Legnazzi | Alessandro Levi | Giovanna Limonta | Alessandra Lombardi | Asia Lo Monaco | Antonio Luschi | Gabriele Luschi | Alma Maffi | Pietro Maffio | Moira Maggi | Fabio Mantegazza | Giulia Marchisio | Cecilia Mariani | Michela Paulina Mariani | Maria Marichecchia | Paolo Martelli | Matteo Maserati | Camilla Mattolini | Fabio Maurini | Giovanni Mazzitelli | Yasmine Sarra Menad | Rocco Mercatanti | Vasco Mercatanti | Sabina Miani | Asia Micheletti | Martina Miconi | Michele Migliarini | Giacomo Migliarini | Giada Morgillo | Andrea Mirarchi | Olga Mitrofan | Anna Morabito | Camilla Moriggi | Camilla Morino | Elisa Mosca | Alice Moschini | Chiara Mura | Tsukishima Nami | Anna Maria Neri | Giulio Olivieri | Christian Orozco | Mari Pagani | Dario Palma \ Paola Palmieri | Giada Pancati | Nicolò Panzeri | Manuele Patacchini | Alessandro Pazienza | Emma Pellizzoni | Alessandro Petrini | Andrea Peracchi | Clara Pisoni | Noemi Porzi | Rita Pugliese | Caroline Purps | Quaitadamo Filomena | Annalisa Radice | Emma Ratti | Carlina Re | Raffaele Rezzonico | Gloria Redaelli | Rosetta Riboldi | Emma Ricci | Laura Rigamonti | Eliza Mainet Rodriguez | Paolo Romani | Sara Romeo | Raffaella Roncato | Micol Roubini | Cristina Rovati | Annalisa Sala | Thomas Salerno | Alessandro Sartor | Caterina Scalenghe | Aurora Scordamaglia | Margherita Scotti | Luigi Seccia | Arbesa Spahiu | Tiziana Spanò | Elisabetta Strada | Eric Suriano | Alessia Taccola | Anita Taurino | Alessia Tedoldi | Francesco Torriani | Lucia Tubaro | Vittorio Tursi | Stefania Totaro | Laura Usuelli | Anna Chiara Venturini | Stefano Viviani | Leonardo Stogl Viviani | Stella Vriends | Manela Vizzardelli | Gaia Zanaboni | Guglielmo Zignone | Alessandra Zucchi