Playing together for the well-being of the community-a personal and social development project in cooperation with the Garbagnate Milanese Psychiatric Rehabilitation Day Care Center
The INGIOCO project was created to support the evolution of the Apprentice Theatrical Workshop, established in 2006 on the initiative of the psychological and social needs assistance services of the G. Salvini Hospital in Garbagnate Milanese, and carried out in collaboration with the Mirmica Cultural Association.
INGIOCO aims to transform the group of Theatrical Apprentices into a small theater company, going beyond the idea of the workshop as a service offered to users, so as to become a resource to promote well-being and territorial regeneration.
Workshop participants have designed, written and implemented a series of theater games that enable individuals and families to meet, have fun, reflect, and feel better.
These theater games have so far been hosted and implemented in collaboration with multiple public and private venues in the area.
In Viaggio Nel Mondiarancio was born out of the experience of Bibliofonie, the last theatrical "play" transformed into a digital format following the pandemic emergency, conceived by the Theatre Apprentices and realised in collaboration with the reading group of the Cesate (MI) library and the Equi.Voci lettori group of the Valvassori Peroni library and the Volunteers of the Patto per la lettura of the Milan libraries.
In Viaggio nel Mondiarancio is the first studio show that the Apprentice Theatrical Players realise after the pandemic emergency, born from the experience of the Bibliophonies (sound stories that develop in the balance between narration and music) and in particular from the BIBLIOPHONY n.3 realised in December 2020.
Viaggio Nel Mondoarancio wants to connect the digital experience, which accompanied the group during the pandemic, to the experience of live theatre, rediscovering together with the public the direct, spontaneous and involving relationship that has characterised the work of the Apprteendisti Teatrali in recent years.
The Bibliophonies are the new game of the Theatrical Apprentices born from the idea of proposing to libraries moments of animation, performances and games around the theme of books, reading and the evocative possibilities that this object can give back.
The general idea is that the 'audience' that participates is involved in a participatory game, i.e. is an active spectator and partly also an actor and author.
Following the restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic and thus the impossibility of meeting in library spaces, the Theatre Apprentices transformed the Bibliophonie game into a digital format!
What is a Bibliophonie? It is a sound narrative that hovers between storytelling and music.
The Theatrical Apprentices, during the first lockdown, created the first composition of the series entitled "THE STORY OF JACK AND LORENA", creating and composing together with a musician, voices, sounds, noises recorded by everyone in their own homes to immerse the listener in the atmosphere experienced by the protagonists of the story.
The second Bibliophony is called "THE TUMBERSIGHT CAVE", and was realised by the theatre apprentices in collaboration with the reading group of the Cesate (MI) library in October and November.
The third Bibliophony "IN VIAGGIO VERSO IL MONDARANCIO" was created in November and December in collaboration with the group of Equi.Voci readers of the Valvassori Peroni library and the Volunteers of the Patto per la lettura of the Milan libraries.
The group of Apprendisti Teatrali has been gradually involved in a collaborative process of training and taking charge of all aspects of being a theatre company, developing skills in planning, conception, dramaturgy, organisation and communication.
To this end, the Apprendisti Teatrali are now a group integrated by theatre professionals, who accompany the participants and educators in the creation and realisation of performance productions, and by experts in the various fields of expertise.
BELOW some videos in which the participants give their views on the first part of the project.
L'ELISIR - the price of youth is the second murder mystery dinner proposed by the Theatre Apprentices in collaboration with associations and restaurants.
The luxurious ship Dorotea sails the ocean carrying a select few guests, gathered for a truly extraordinary occasion: the presentation of an Elixir of Youth created by the famous Dr Luciano. The product, potentially coveted by everyone on the ship, makes anyone who drinks it thirty years younger. The famous shipowner, the rich widow, the young countess and her art collector father, the event organiser, the stewardess, the waitress, the boatswain are all possible
perpetrators of the terrible murder that will be carried out on the ship even before it reaches its destination.
Between courses, the dinner guests are given clues and information about the characters, their movements on the ship, details of the cabins they inspect... It is up to them to unmask the culprit, the weapon, the dynamics of the crime and the motive!
Gli Azzardi Teatrali is a simple, light (and definitely silly!) game, which lasts about forty minutes and is well suited to an aperitif, a light dinner or an after-dinner party.
The game presents the audience with three situations in which the protagonists have a 'problem to solve', according to the pattern of 'heart', 'well-being', 'money': Hortensio does not know how to find love, Miranda and Alfredo have to lose weight but eat all the time, Dorotea has to find the funds to renovate her hotel on the Côte d'Azur.
The audience can bet on which of the solutions presented will help our protagonists the most. The winner receives a prize and everyone gets a fantastic heart-well-being test invented by the famous fashion designer Mira Strambucci.
The INGIOCO project is supported by Fondazione Comunitaria Nord Milano and Otto per Mille della Chiesa Valdese.
Moreover, during the pandemic emergency period, in 2020, the project was partly supported by the Lets GO! grant from Fondazione Cariplo.