Mental Health

For over fifteen years, Mirmica has been working in collaboration with public and private entities in the field of supporting psychological and social suffering and fighting stigma through projects that integrate theater, video, and organizing territorial events and national and international artistic exchanges.
Mirmica works in close contact with people, institutions and territories to overcome a passivizing view of psychiatric users, activate hidden energies at the personal and group level, and offer institutions and communities new perspectives on people and common perspectives for change.

Working within the psychiatric context is one of the original elements of Mirmica's identity. Hence the first experiences expressing the attempt to care for fragility, which we all share, of claiming the beauty of places and people, of the desire to question the mechanisms of personal, social, and institutional isolation.

Over the years, the association has organized territorial development and awareness projects, theatrical and video workshops, performances, territorial festivals, awareness-raising and networking initiatives among territorial realities. It has been a partner in artistic exchanges and training practices at the national and European level involving the groups it worked with; it has held training meetings for psychiatrists, psychologists, educators and animators on the use of the theatrical, bodily and expressive tool in paths organized by universities, graduate schools, Italian and French associations.
The two longest-lasting experiences in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation are the iMOVteatrali, a theater company born in the Day Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Cinisello Balsamo and the Apprentice Theatrical Players, born in the context of psychiatric rehabilitation and psychosocial support services in Garbagnate Milanese.