A research and artistic creation project in the field of mental health
The iMOVteatrali were born in 2007 as a research and artistic creation project realized thanks to the synergy of two main groups of actors: the operators and patients of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Day Center and Psychosocial Center of Cinisello Balsamo, a municipality north of Milan, and the members of the Cultural Association Mirmica who activated in 2003 a pilot theater project with the intention of researching the "rehabilitative/therapeutic" aspect within the Artistic and Workshop experience.
Working together over time created a solid relationship of mutual trust and experimentation within the workshop opened up new creative and communicative possibilities based on the person's abilities/disabilities, limitations/resources as the key to the project. Over time, such assumptions lay the groundwork for investigating "new" training possibilities and, subsequently, the construction of a new semantic field, to which each participant contributes, staying within his or her own way of being, enhancing his or her own specificities by considering and investigating his or her own limits and resources to the point of reversing, in some cases, his or her own limit into a resource. A language that comes from the experience and specificity of the group itself, capable of bending theater to the actor.
With time, the theater workshop turns into a real company by participating in festivals, competitions and artistic residencies with the idea of developing, through the communicative and aggregating value of the performative moments, the contact, comparison and recognition with artistic realities closer and closer to the professional sphere.
The iMOVteatrali began the project of research and artistic creation in 2007 with a trilogy of research. The search for a possibility of staging and writing that started from the specificity of the actors and the desire to delve into three macro-themes that they wanted to cross in order to transform artistically. The experience that involved the group from 2007 to 2011 thus influenced the artistic production of the years to come as well.
The group produced shows regularly until the Covid-19 pandemic. Because of the isolation, the group was unable to meet and work together for many months. As soon as it was possible to return to presence, in the fall of 2020, the group produced an audio project from the experience of observing the world through a window, a condition in which they found themselves during the months of isolation. The year 2021 was a year of partial recovery, and the group worked in presence for only a short time. Starting with a poem shared in the workshop, the group experimented with writing and transposing it to video. Since 2022, the group has returned to work.
CLEAN Project