An inclusive project in the North Milan area involving associations, families, schools and local authorities
The Giardino del Sorriso is an integration and social cohesion project launched in 2015 in the territory of Cusano Milanino, a municipality in the north of Milan, which uses theatre and theatrical animation as its main educational tool. Every year, from the collaboration and coordinated planning between Mirmica, the Sorriso Onlus association, the teachers of the primary schools of Cusano Milanino and other territorial partners, a common work theme is identified to be developed between September and June. The main objective of the project is to develop and renew year after year actions capable of transforming the area into a fairer, more just, welcoming and supportive place.
Designing together is the most effective way of identifying the territory's real needs and imagining possible transversal actions capable of improving relations within the family and the community, especially with regard to the inclusion of people with disabilities, the prevention of social disintegration phenomena and the needs of primary school students and their families.
The project envisages the active collaboration of the boys and girls with disabilities of the Associazione Sorriso with the training-action formula, which involves them in the design and implementation of the various project phases.
The aim of the project is to offer the community, theatrical events, thematic workshops and training moments as tools to promote integration and social cohesion in the area as well as to renew the educational proposal for schools. The project includes an inaugural performance, theatre workshops for primary school pupils, training courses for teachers, volunteers and users of the Smile Association. Meeting and training moments for parents and recreational activities in the area. Beneficiaries of the project are pupils and teachers from local primary schools, parents, educators, families, users and volunteers of the Associazione Sorriso.
Projects implemented:
Uno Spazio per Osare (A Space to Dare), a journey of knowledge and play, starting from the myth of Icarus to the moon landing.
C'era una volta e c'è ancora, a project on the educational value of the fairy tale.
Gustare le emozioni, a project on the importance of food, culture and art as food for growing well.
Diritti al futuro (Rights to the future), a project to support everyone's right to a future.
Riabitare gli spazi, a territorial reconnection project involving citizenship as an opportunity to re-inhabit their inner spaces and the spaces of the community.